It’s such tragic waste of time when clients don’t show, or even worse, you go to visit them an they are not there.😣
Zurili lets you reduce this to all-time lows with Automations. Much more than simple reminders, you build Automations around your appointments so you can address each of the possible points of failure.

With our Arrival Guarantee System clients will turn up to appointments 97% of the time!
Here’s how:
- Send a confirmation message 5 minutes after they book with the date and time of their appointment. You could include your address as well.
- Send another reminder 24 hours prior to the appointment. This allows the client to plan their day. They won’t get sent a message at a strange time either (unlike a 12 hour reminder). Plus the client will have plenty of time to reschedule or cancel.
- Last reminder sent 1 hour prior to the appointment time. Your client can remeber to get ready or get in the car
Automations are so flexible they give you endless possibilities and time saving opportunities.
- In fact, you can have as many or as few automations as you need to ensure your clients keep on schedule like you do.
- Set automation’s around an appointment template, like an Initial Consultation, or a specific client.
- You can send messages before or after the appointment is created, cancelled, fulfilled or missed.
- You can send the message to the client or to the service provider (practitioner).
- Messages are created from templates that you create so they will say exactly what you want with the client and appointment info merged in automatically.
- If a client replies, you will be notified and that reply is stored in the clients Unified Communication log.
- Automated SMS messages are sent by Zurili’s integrated SMS.